

- Blog: Cronicas e Contos de RPG - Eduardo Teixeira (textos protegidos, sua reprodução é proibida sem a autorização prévia do autor).


A importância da leitura vem a cada dia ganhando força em seus diversos segmentos, pois é um dos requisitos básicos na aprendizagem do indivíduo. O ato de ler é muito importante, pois a leitura vem aos poucos contribuir para a formação de leitores capazes de reconhecer as sutilezas, as particularidades, os sentidos a extensão e a profundidade de cada texto lido.

Quem lê muito escreve bem

Não há como negar que ler contribui para a desenvoltura na escrita, pois vamos incorporando bons modelos de estruturação das ideias, ampliando repertórios, conhecendo novas palavras. Porém, é comum encontrarmos pessoas que leem muito, mas encontram dificuldades para escrever. Pode ser que isso ocorra pela qualidade da leitura. A leitura para a apreensão de conteúdos é básica; no entanto, se também prestarmos atenção na forma como os textos são compostos, podemos usufruir de todo o conhecimento a respeito da linguagem que uma leitura efetiva pode proporcionar e, assim, vamos nos tornando capazes de compor bons textos.

Vale a dica: Estar atento aos modos particulares de escrever dos diferentes autores, em especial daqueles que apreciamos, pode ser um prazer a mais na leitura. Pensar em como você próprio escreveria sobre o tema (e aventurar-se a escrever!), valendo-se do conhecimento dessas inúmeras possibilidades, ajuda-o no aperfeiçoamento de sua própria escrita.

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

Vibe Timeless - background Jedi

"We're not an army, we are the guardians ..
We are not saints, are warriors ...
We do not march, conscious move ..
We do not fight, we sacrifice ...
Even when all odds are reduced to no defend, while we're on our knees with our heads held high, holding our shields together to maintain life. "

Name: Timeless Vibe

Age: 26

Race: Human

Class: Jedi

Physical Attributes: Thin, defined body because years of physical training, blue eyes, blood-stained face with many scars.

Spiritual Attributes: Follow the Jedi code, believes his life on the force.

Social Attributes: Educated, humble, obedient, calm, very mature and strategist.

Skills: With lightsaber and force.

Defects: Revenge hidden in the heart (but overlooked).

Strengths: Fighting, strategy, patience.

Phobia (fear): No, he learned to hold all your fears.

Objective: To be a great Jedi, bring peace justice and harmony to the galaxy.

Equipment: A lightsaber.


Vibe was born to become the greatest Jedi of his time, so his uncle spoke. Orphan who was raised by an uncle, soon became interested in the military arts, within them, studied the lightsaber, and strength.

Since the first fight at age thirteen, knew the taste of victory while being attacked by a quarrens. At 17, she left for her journey of self-improvement in which he was traveling from planet to planet to increase your skills.

His lightsaber was left by her late father, a Jedi who was killed by a Sith. The lightsaber blue led to be more than 100 collisions between 17 and 23 years, never being defeated. These disputes were often crowned with the death of his rival and Vibe death was regarded as normal. In fact with the Vibe was powerful weapons in general, a good strategist, courageous and able to make decisions, sometimes extreme, fast. In wars and disputes, his attitude was serene, always in harmony, carrying peace and justice.

At age 24, after winning Several droids and Sith while Vibe underwent a major spiritual change. That vibe felt won duels Those not mastered the strategy "to Have, But to Be stronger, ready or Simply by luck. Then moves on to seek the deeper meaning of the path of the Jedi, that is strength.

It was 25 years finally Vibe Achieved his goal of understanding the Principles of the Jedi Code Which HAD his uncle taught. Vibe Was isolated on a planet called Dagobah Where he stayed for one year and eight months training the force.

Died Vibe's family on Tatooine so he headed for the planet and join the Jedi Order THE FORCE.

AUTOR: Eduardo Teixeira

OBS: Espero ter traduzido bem!!!

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